The abstract should be a maximum of 500 words in MS Word format, typed in Times New Roman font  Title: Bold & 14 point; Name and affiliation:11 point,Text: 12 point). The papers must be based on original works of authors, which has not been published/ presented in the same form elsewhere in print or electronic media. Number of papers permitted per person is limited to two. Acceptance of papers will be intimated through e-Mail.Last date for submission of abstracts is12th May 2016. cntimation of acceptance will be communicated by 15th may.Lastcdate of registration will be 20th May. No spot registration will be allowed for paper presentation. Submission of abstract is not mandatory for attenting the seminor. Posters for presentation must be in portrait, DIN A0 format (84cm wide 119cm height) with information flowing from left to right, top to bottom, double space text and left justification. Suggested text size is atleast 24 points.