The abstract should be a maximum of 500 words in MS Word format, typed in Times New Roman font (Title: Bold & 14 point; Name and affiliation:11 point,Text: 12 point). The papers must be based on original works of authors, which has not been published/ presented in the same form elsewhere in print or electronic media. Number of papers permitted per person is limited to two. Acceptance of papers will be intimated through e-Mail.Last date for submission of abstracts is 12th May 2016. Intimation of acceptance will be communicated by 15th may.Last date of registration will be 20th May. No spot registration will be allowed for paper presentation. Submission of abstract is not mandatory for attenting the seminor. Posters for presentation must be in portrait, DIN A0 format (84cm wide 119cm height) with information flowing from left to right, top to bottom, double space text and left justification. Suggested text size is atleast 24 points.
The Kapila Fest and the seminar can be attended through advance registration on payment of Rs. 400/- by each participant. Participants are requested to emailtheir abstracts to on or before 12th May. Registration fee should be sent through DD/Cheque to be drawn payable at Kottayam or by Bank transfer to the Account No: 67359729062; Account holder: Kapila Fest; Bank: State Bank of Travancore; Branch: CMS College, IFSC Code: SBTR0000484; MICR: 686009004. Registered Deligates can attent all the functions of Kapila Fest 2016 from 25 to 27. Accommodation Dormitory accommodation will be arranged free to registered participants on a first come first served basis, Hotel Accommodation will be arranged on request and advance payment. For details of hotel Tarrif, please contact Mr Jayakrishnan Kapila Fest 2016, Mob: 9539008858. NATIONAL SEMINAR GREEN ECONOMICS AND DESI COW MAY – 26, 27,28 For Details contact : Dr.E.K.EASWARAN . Seminar Coordinator , Address : Centre for Innovation in science and social Actions (CISSA) Phone no: + 91 9447088212 , Ofiice : +91 4712722151 E-mail ; E-mail : CMS College , Kottayam, Kerala Centre for Innovation in Science and Social Action. Important Dates : Last Date for Submission of Abstract : 12th May 2016. Date of Intimation of Acceptance : 15th May 2016. Last Date for Registration : 20th May 2016. General