Acclaimed illusionist and a maverick of innovative magic shows, Gopinath Muthukad has agreed to be the Goodwill Ambassador for the upcoming ANNAM 2015 Food and Agro-biodiversity Festival to be held in Kochi during December 2015. Dr. C. Suresh Kumar, General Secretary of CISSA and Chief Coordinator of the festival, was welcomed at Magic Planet, world’s first magical theme park conceived and established by Mr. Muthukad at KINFRA Film and Video Park, Thiruvananthauram. During the meeting that followed, Mr. Muthukad expressed his solidarity with the objectives upheld by CISSA in general and ANNAM festival in particular. Muthukad’s motivational magic videos continue to be viral in social media and his speeches are widely approved by family audience. With the magician’s involvement, CISSA foresees extra impetus for its endeavours