We have great pleasure to inform you that Lightning Awareness and Research Centre (LARC), a subsidiary of Centre for Innovation in Science and Social Action (CISSA) has taken up a state wide programme in all the 14 districts with the support of the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) for creating awareness among the public on the hazards of lightning and also on the precautions to be taken.
Lightning accidents are becoming common, leading to injuries and death to humans` and animals. It also causes severe damage to households. It is possible to reduce the impact of lightning by following simple preventive measures.
Program Coordinator: Vimal P (0471-2722151/ 9633412841)
Vimal P
Programme Coordinator
Lightning Awareness and Research Centre (LARC)
T.C 15/603, USRA- 153,
Udharasiromany Road,
Velayambalam P.O,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 010
Kerala, India
Tel: +91471 2722151
Website: www.cissa.co.in,
E-mail: cissa.larc@gmail.com
For more details log on to: http://lightningindia.wordpress.com/